Winter Rain, part 21

21 Responses to “Winter Rain, part 21”

  1. srsuleski says:

    Poor Conlan.  I guess we know who’s really at the bottom of the pack, now.

    Bitchin’ fight scene, btw.  Thought it was more of a route . . . 

  2. I did promise there would be blood.

  3. Katie says:

    :( Poor Conlan . . . and poor Teirgan for having to do that to a friend.
    Faolan needs to die, grr.

  4. I wasn’t sure this ep was going to happen, but the more I climbed into Conlan’s head, the more I realized it had to.  Not yet sure what it means for the future.  I guess we’ll find out . . . .

  5. Bacchante says:

    Yay for double-updates! Just when I thought I was out of entertainment for the day.
    And yeah, I feel for Conlan, and for Teirgan for having to hurt him so bad and consider it an act of mercy.

  6. Yeah, I debated keeping the second for tomorrow, but then realized I’d be less likely to actually write anything tomorrow if I did.  And, for me, this is at least partly about getting myself to write.  Don’t get me wrong, though — having readers is a wonderful bonus, one I think I’m getting quite addicted to.  :-)

  7. Bacchante says:

    Yeah, I can empathize with using this to get yourself to write, I thought that was pretty clever. I used to really enjoy writing when I was younger and I’ve pretty much stopped completely. If I start anything it just sits as a paragraph or so and I never come back to it, which I think started in highschool for me. I wrote a bunch of unfinished, semi-related short stories and impressions and then I just got too busy and stopped altogether.

    So good for you for you for making yourself keep with it!

  8. I have a bad habit of writing something short, then spending the next several years rewriting it, trying to get it “perfect”.  Which I invariably can’t do.  With Winter Rain, I don’t touch it once it is posted (well, I’ve corrected spelling mistakes and occasionally deleted an extra word), and I try to write it in one sitting and post it right away. 

    So far, I haven’t had any overwhelming urge to go back and rewrite.  Which is probably why Winter Rain is now the longest thing I’ve ever written — by a factor of two — and still going strong.  There are days I’m not particularly happy with the writing, but then there are days I’m thrilled with it.  I’m learning to accept the good with the bad.

    That all said, I still like to know when something works or when it doesn’t.  I’m not going to rewrite what’s already been written, but I’d like to apply what I’ve learned to new eps.  Please do let me know if you see something at either extreme.


  9. Vercin says:

    Well, this ep struck me. The mental anguish, the manipulations that forced BOTH people’s (people? wolves? Hmm. Weres?” hands, locking them into this vicious engagement that neither one wanted nor gained from. It gives you a feeling of just how sick this family is. Like you said—it had to happen.

  10. Hey Vercin — thanks for checking in!  To be true to the source material, I think I’m going to have to go with “shapeshifting wolves”. 

    Wow, that sounds so much more hackneyed than I’d like.  Oh well. 

    And now I suppose I should get busy figuring out what’s going to happen in today’s installment.  :-)

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